Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cluster Systems Management (CSM)

Cluster Systems Management (CSM) for AIX® and Linux® is designed for simple, low-cost management of distributed and clustered IBM System p™ and System x™ servers in technical and commercial computing environments. CSM, included with the IBM System Cluster 1600 and IBM System Cluster 1350, dramatically simplifies administration of a cluster by providing management from a single point-of-control. CSM is available for managing homogeneous clusters of IBM System x servers running Linux or IBM System p servers running AIX, or heterogeneous clusters which include both.

CSM reduces the cost and complexity of systems management

CSM is a comprehensive systems management tool designed to reduce the cost and complexity of system deployment and maintenance by enabling a small number of administrators to manage large environments efficiently:

CSM improves administrator efficiency by controlling multiple, heterogeneous machines from a single point, enabling fast responses and consistent policies, updates and monitoring by a small staff.

CSM provides monitoring with automated responses and notification to ensure problems are recognized and addressed quickly with minimal distraction.

CSM simplifies management with pre-defined functions for common tasks and pre-defined monitors for key system metrics. Complex functions and monitors can be defined for easy, single-command or point-and-click use.

Management by group eliminates both the need to address each machine individually and the risk of accidental oversight/omission. CSM can even build groups automatically based on machine characteristics.
CSM improves security and efficiency by giving administrators access to the commands they need without having to give every administrator high authorization. Security configuration is performed automatically.

In addition to providing all the key functions for administration and maintenance of typical distributed systems, CSM is designed to deliver the parallel execution required to manage clustered computing environments effectively. The managed nodes in the cluster may be IBM System p or IBM System i™ machines running AIX or Linux, IBM System x machines running Linux or a combination of these platforms and operating systems. CSM provides the following system management capabilities:
Installation and setup commands to create and configure the cluster easily.
Security configuration across the cluster is performed automatically, eliminating the need to manually distribute encryption keys etc.

Create node groups within the cluster and manage machines by group. Node groups can be defined manually or dynamically (for example, if dynamic node groups are defined for Linux nodes and AIX nodes, new nodes added to the cluster will automatically be placed in the appropriate group and configured/managed accordingly).
Remote command execution across multiple nodes (or node groups) in the cluster; CSM tracks and displays the status of each command on each machine.
A configuration file manager to distribute and synchronize files across nodes or node groups in the cluster.
Comprehensive monitoring of system parameters and status with event display and automated responses (for example, a file system filling up can send an event to the CSM console and automatically notify an administrator and trigger a script to remove all temporary files).

Software diagnostic tools minimize down time by systematically analyzing software components and servers to find the root cause of problems quickly.
Scalable, remote hardware control and console access allows administrators to manage systems from a remote location. This enables centralized management of systems in different locations, increasing administrative efficiency.
Fully scriptable command line interface supports user-defined commands to automate complex tasks.
Administrators can be authorized to perform specific tasks that exceed their overall authorization level, enabling them to do their jobs effectively without compromising security.
Web-based interface provides control and management of a CSM cluster including:

*Updating and removal of nodes from the cluster
*Creation and deletion of node groups
*Distributed command execution including user-defined commands
*Visual monitoring capabilities
*Hardware control capabilities

CSM is flexible and fully customizable to fit into and augment your existing administrative processes. Users can add their own power methods, console methods, MAC methods, post-install scripts, CFM pre/post scripts, sensors, conditions, responses and probes.

CSM is automatically installed with AIX and a 60-day trial license for CSM is included. To continue using CSM after that period, the client must purchase a full license.